Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I left off last time having just met the first pagan couple I'd ever met at the very first pagan ritual I'd ever attended. As the gods would have it, they have become our nearest and dearest friends and more like family than some of our blood kin. After some time getting to know one another and hanging out from time to time, I started getting tidbits of information from them about an organization that they were involved with. It came in little bits and pieces of conversations, which only made me more curious and lead me to joining the organizations yahoo group and sort of lurking while I learned more about them. This organization is called Family Wiccan Traditions International (FWTI for short), and my real introduction to the group took place when my dear friend sort of suggested I might be a good fit for helping them out with something (I honestly don't remember what it was at this time). I have never been very confident in myself and to be honest I was extremely nervous when the head of the organization phoned me to discuss the possibility of my participation. She was very friendly and put me at ease pretty quickly. I let her know that I didn't feel ready to take on anything yet as I had only book knowledge thus far and felt I needed a LOT more experience and information before I'd be much help at all. She asked me if I'd be interested in talking to someone about joining their clergy program and gaining the experience I felt I needed with the guidance of a mentor. Shortly after that, I spoke to Rev. Crystal, who became my mentor and has been so for around 2 years.

Finding FWTI has been such a blessing in so many ways. I have learned so much about what family really is and how wonderful it is to share your spiritual path with those closest to you. I am currently working toward my 2nd degree through FWTI and am starting now to feel that confidence that I had so lacked in the beginning. Rev. Crystal has been a wonderful mentor to me and is also a valued friend. Her patience and guidance have brought me through some very tough times. My dear friend Angelique and her husband have been my sanity at times. Just having friends who understand my experiences and don't think it odd when I talk about a stone speaking to me or the things I sort of just "know". All that I have learned from all the members of FWTI and the acceptance they have shown me has been such a blessing to my life. My husband has been my rock in this journey that I'm on. He keeps me grounded and gives me strength when I feel mine is gone.

This path has had it's ups and downs, and it's certainly not for everyone. It's different for everyone really, but for me, I've found a peace that I've never known before and the kind of friendship and acceptance that I never dreamed was possible. I hope this gives everyone a little insight into where I'm coming from. I'll be delving into some topics more deeply soon.


Angelique Mroczka said...

I suggested you would make a good Family Wiccan Community Weaver ;)

Amethist Flame said...

Oh yeah, that's right, lol. Who knows maybe one day, we will see.

Unknown said...

I have a ton of questions for you. You'll probably be getting some emails from me.

Amethist Flame said...

I look forward to answering your questions to the best of my ability.
