Monday, March 1, 2010
Hello, I'm Amethist Flame. To start my new blog out, I'm just going to tell everyone a bit about myself. I am a pagan, and I've been on a wonderful and empowering spiritual journey for the past few years. I began my journey in sort of an unusual way. I was reading my e-mail one day and I got a e-mail from one of my cousins mentioning paganism and how they had investigated paganism some with a friend. My cousin never meant for me to receive that e-mail at that time, however we both have marveled at the way the divine can lead in our lives even when we don't know they are. After reading the "accidental" e-mail I turned to my husband and said "I want to learn about Wicca" much to my own astonishment. He surprised me even further by saying "ok" and not even flinching. In many ways I'd been interested in Wicca and other alternative faiths for years without knowing exactly what it was I was interested in. After ordering several books from Barnes & Noble online and reading all I could read, I was hooked. I found explanations for many of the things I felt in my soul and many experiences I had had that I could not find explanations for anywhere else.

I read all the books on Wicca and paganism that I could get my hands on for over a year and absorbed it like a sponge yet still something was missing. I began to search for ways to meet other pagans and learn what I could, but the task was daunting to say the least. I'm not the most outgoing person, and it was terrifying to step out on a limb and actually go somewhere where everyone was strangers, in order to find others with similar views as myself. I joined some meet-up groups online and watched the postings for months before finally deciding to attend an open ritual that a local group was holding. My husband went with me and it's a good thing because I don't think I'd have had the courage to step out of my vehicle had he not been there. Here again, the gods lead in ways we can not always understand at the time, however looking back, there is no other explanation than divine guidance. That day at the very first ritual I'd ever attended, my husband and I pulled into the driveway followed closely by another couple who was visiting this group for the first time as well. We walked out to the circle together and sat near each other the whole night talking and having a wonderful time. While we didn't join the group that we visited that night, although they are a very nice group, the four of us have remained fast friends ever since.

For now I'll stop here. I'll continue the next part of my journey in my next installment. Thanks for reading and Blessed Be.


Angelique Mroczka said...

Your writing has gotten much better. Keep at it!

Your stuck with us LOL

Amethist Flame said...

Funny how it doesn't feel like being "stuck" with you, feels more like being blessed.

Angelique Mroczka said...

Blessed! That just means you are crazy LOL

Amethist Flame said...

Takes one to know one my friend!
