Tuesday, March 9, 2010
One of the biggest lessons I have learned in the last two years is the importance of communication. It's not just about the words we say to one another though, it's the manner in which we say them as well.

A wonderful book I read that really illuminated the importance of communication is "Fierce Conversations" by Susan Scott. It's about how our relationships, in business and in life, are the conversations we carry on with the people we come in contact with. When the conversations stop, the relationships die. There are tips on how to bring up the conversations that are the most difficult, but usually the most necessary, and also how to better express problems without pointing fingers and placing blame. It is my personal opinion that any person in existence could learn from this book and it should be required reading for EVERYONE.

There are many quotes I could list here that I found extremely illuminating. I highlighted nearly half the book the first time I read it. As I prepare to read it again, I can only imagine how much more I will find important enough to highlight.

One of the most powerful realizations for me was the truth in Scott's statement that "the conversation IS the relationship." I had never looked at a relationship in the context of a conversation, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense. Long, rewarding relationships involve the most interesting and rewarding conversations. Relationships that suffer and wither are the result of not having conversations when they are needed. Of course, there is much more to a conversation than words, mannerisms are just as important often, as well as intent.

There are so many things I could go on about but I think the best thing anyone could do, is read the book "Fierce Conversations" and learn to live one conversation at a time.


Angelique Mroczka said...

I want to re-read it, but apparently Scott sent it to Nikki with a bag of books he wouldn't let me keep. Did start her "Fierce Leadership" though and it is really good so far.

Amethist Flame said...

I am interested in reading that one also. It sounds like it'll be good. I could definitely use some help with leadership skills...
