Thursday, April 25, 2013
The past two plus years have been incredible and at times stressful.  I'll try to get to some of that in other posts though.  The biggest change in my life is that I'm a mother now.  We found out that we were expecting just a couple weeks after my last blog post, and oh the many ways my life has changed since.

My son will be two years old this summer, I can't believe how fast the time has flown by.  Having him, really makes me look at life differently, and has sparked some lifestyle changes in my husband and I.  We've begun to work on our dietary habits and the first step of that has been juicing fruits and vegetables at least once a day.  We're working toward adding much more fresh fruits and vegetables into our diet and getting rid of the overly processed foods, but right now it's gonna be one step at a time.  We can't afford to buy a bunch of fancy appliances to make this process easier, so we're doing what we can with what we have first.  My husband and I have both noticed a lot of improvement in our overall feeling of well being and our energy levels.  We've managed to kick the Soda Pop habit (which for me in particular was a small miracle) and haven't had really any cravings for it since.  Besides having our son, the other thing that really encouraged us to try juicing (and really just work towards healthier eating) was the video "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" featuring Joe Cross in his own journey to recover his health.  We're not just trying to lose weight quickly, and this isn't really a "diet", it's a new way of living with our health in mind.  I'd recommend this video to anyone who's suffering chronic illness or just feels lethargic all the time.  More than my weight, my mental faculties have benefited from the changes we've made so far.  I can think MUCH more clearly since we've begun our journey towards health and I'm more myself than I've been in a very long time.

On the spiritual side... I never felt more connected to divinity and especially the aspect of the Mother Goddess than when I was pregnant.  I'll be delving into this more in a future post too, but lets just say I see a great deal more connections spiritually than I ever have and it's amazing.  I feel truly blessed to have my son, and know that he is a beautiful gift from the divine sent here to teach us and help us grow.  Also, I've recently found someone who is willing to mentor me in the path of Elemental Witchcraft, and I couldn't be more excited to begin this new journey.  I had been feeling pulled toward this path for some time and have read many of the books that I found on the subject, but it will be exhilarating to learn this path on a deeper level.  In some things, books just aren't enough, and for me, this is one of those things.

I'll end this update for now, but I'll be back soon.  I've got a lot on my mind, and Lord Thoth isn't going to let me rest until I get it written out.

Brightest of Blessings!

