Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sometimes you just have to get smacked in the head by a magical 2x4 to really get the point. Today was one of those times I guess. I went to catch a movie with my husband and our two best friends. The movie was a blast! After the movie, we were pulling out of the theater parking lot when my husband and I both saw a deer at the edge of a small stand of trees in the vacant lot across the street. That would be odd enough since we were in a rather busy part of Houston, which isn't even close to being near a forrest of any kind, but to top it off, my husband identified it as a young Red Stag. Red deer are NOT native to Texas. They are raised in the state for hunting on some of the private ranches but honestly we weren't any where near a place that would have them, we were in the CITY.

We both decided that there was no way that was some sort of coincidence so we got too looking at our books about animals and the messages they are trying to show us. Since I can't think of any great way to explain what I read, I'll quote the book directly... I found the listing for deer in "Animal Totems: The Power and Prophecy of Your Animal Guides" by Trish MacGregor and Millie Gemondo. In the section "Significance" listed under "Finances" it says "It is important to you at this time to be earning money in a way that is in line with your deepest beliefs. Once you do this, your prosperity increases." and under "Work/Career" it says "Are you being true to yourself? Are you working in a job or career that is in line with your principles?" Honestly, I don't think the universe could have smacked me any harder if it tried. I have been wanting desperately to open my own metaphysical shop and I'm stumped as to how to go about it, and where to do it. I make a lot of stuff myself and I thought selling my jewelry would be a great start but I had to take up my old job in retail due to our finances and I haven't had enough time to work on making much of anything. It has also been really getting me down lately, working in retail. It's a very demanding job, with little appreciation, and even less common curtesy on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong, there are those regular customers that are super friendly and really brighten my day, but I still wake up every day dreading going to work, and all I really want to do is sell the things I make.

I'm still not sure what steps I need to take, but it's clear to me that I need to get off my butt and make things happen in this area. I'm really torn though because I know we need my current job in order to pay the bills right now, but I also think my current job is the biggest thing standing in my way as it consumes so much of my time. As for the universe... MESSAGE RECEIVED!


kadiera said...

So....we used to run a wholesale metaphysical distribution company. email me or catch me online (kadiera on yahoo messenger) and I can give you tips and answer any questions.
