Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tiger Iron is a combination of Hematite, Red Jasper and Tiger's Eye so it carries the metaphysical properties of all three of these, plus a few of it's own. Over the past few years, it has become one of my most relied upon stones, and in fact is one of the first stones I started working with when I discovered my affinity toward using them for healing and other magical/metaphysical purposes.

Tiger Iron is extremely helpful for dealing with family stress and emotional burnout. My first encounter with tiger iron was shortly before my father died, and it really helped me deal with the loss. There were many nights I sat holding my tiger iron sphere, just letting it draw the emotional turmoil out of me.

It is helpful for people who are chemically sensitive and those who are sensitive to noise pollution as well. It's a fantastic stone for grounding and centering and will help bring clarity to difficult situations. It also promotes creativity and helps bring out your inherent talents. I find that it helps build self confidence and will power, and in this way makes you more confident to use your talents also.

As with most stones, tiger iron needs occasional cleansing. It would be beneficial to set it in the sunlight for cleansing and recharging. The tiger's eye component of this stone is connected to the sun, so this would be the preferred method for both and is one of the simplest methods.

This stone is very close to my heart, as it is helpful to me in so many ways, and I would recommend it for anyone looking for some stability. After researching this stone yet again to write this, I've found even more reasons I should have this one with me nearly all the time. I hope you'll find it as beneficial as I have.

Source: "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" by Judy Hall

