Wednesday, June 2, 2010
My heart breaks anew each day as I watch the news. The magnitude of this oil spill is as yet to be determined as is the extent of the damage it is causing the environment. With even more poisons being pumped into the ocean to break up all of the oil, this disaster grows more ominous still. There is no way to truly know how this will effect the ocean and all the life in it into the future.

It's been over a month since this oil catastrophe began and so far all attempts to stop this leak have failed, while government officials and businessmen point fingers at one another as to who's at fault. In my opinion, we are all to blame. We as a society have become more and more dependent on oil based products and at the same time we villainize the oil industry for seeking to fulfill the demands we constantly place on them.

What will it take to make us all realize that we can not continue to rape, pillage and plunder the resources of our Mother Earth without consequences? Our dependance on oil, foreign or domestic, must be curbed. When is enough truly enough? How many species must go extinct? How many beaches and marshlands need to be covered in oil before we find better ways to live?

The challenge has been laid out before us. How will we rise up to meet it? I wish I had answers to all these questions. If I did, maybe my heart wouldn't feel so heavy. I know for myself and my husband, we will continue to find ways to reduce the quantity of oil products we use, but that may be too little too late even still. I hope we all learn something from this tragedy though. I'd hate for this lessen to ever need repeating...


Unknown said...

Amen - & please vote for the good smart sane & rational people, not the haters or money-grubbers, cuz basically that and prayer & support is all we can do w/larger than life situations like this. I was stationed in Ft. Walton Beach, Fla (between Pensacola and Panama City) & Jeff Corwin stood on the beaches yesterday and showed the necklace of oil lining the white sands, so sad, and then he reached down and dug deeper - layer upon layer w/the tides, and getting worse.

Amethist Flame said...

What I hate most is how helpless this whole thing makes me feel. But I'm doing something about that next weekend. Gabe and I and our 2 closest friends are attending an Oiled Wildlife Response workshop. It may not be much but it's better than sitting on my hands!
