Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I'm going to periodically delve into stones and their lore, and healing associations. To start this off, I've chosen the stone I feel the greatest connection with.

Amethyst is basically a purple variety of Quartz. It has many of the same properties as quartz although with the color difference, it does have some unique qualities as well.

Amethyst has both receptive and projective properties, this makes it a great multipurpose stone. It can be used to absorb negative energies or charged to protect or heal. Although a word of caution might be warranted here... Quartz and it's related stones can become toxic if they absorb too much negative energy. To keep this from happening, it requires regular cleansing. There are several ways to cleanse a stone, however one of the simplest and most effective in my opinion is setting it in the sunlight. This recharges it as it absorbs the suns energy, and also burns away the negativity it may have absorbed.

Amethyst is a very spiritual stone. This makes it great for meditation as well as use in any part of your regular spiritual practices. It is said to assist in astral travel and also helps us strengthen our connection to the divine. It is also a great emotional healer, and helps to teach us self love.

Amethyst was associated with preventing intoxication, and is very useful in helping to break addictions. I do not recommend using this alone though, it is most helpful when combined with more traditional treatments in order to get to the root cause of the addiction and prevent relapses.

Amethyst has been cherished by royalty for centuries and is associated with several deities as well. Foremost for me, is Isis, my matron goddess. Others include Bacchus, Dionysus and Diana. It is also sacred to Buddha and is used in buddhist prayer/meditation beads. Christians associated amethyst with purity and chastity and is still worn by many Bishops. Most commonly, in modern times, amethyst known for being the birthstone of the month of February.

I personally wear amethyst nearly every day. It helps me feel closer to my goddess and helps me stay more spiritually aware. In my spiritual journey, Amethyst has been a constant companion that I'll always treasure.

