Sunday, June 27, 2010
Last evening, I attended a full moon circle with my husband and our friends. The evening began with a guided meditation, lead by our hostess, Ingrid. It is rare that I get visual pictures when I meditate, often I hear things or just get bits and pieces of information. This time however, it was different. I felt for the first time as if I were literally transported to another place and time.

I started out in a hall of pillars.... Sort of a long path, lined with many stone pillars which held up a roof that covered the entire walkway. The pillars looked like the giant papyrus pillars of Ancient Egypt. I looked down at my feet and saw sandals strapped onto my feet with long straps wrapping and crisscrossing part way up my calves. I walked down the path toward a doorway in a building ahead of me.

When I stepped through the doorway, I saw thousands of tiny flickering flames all over the room. They looked like the flames of thousands of candles, yet seemed independent of any source. As I walked toward the center of the room it seemed as if the flames moved out of the way of my every step. When I arrived at the center of the room, these little flames swirled around me and formed a spiral staircase beginning directly in front of me and spiraling upward out of sight.

I knew instinctively that I should walk up the staircase, and as I did this, I noticed that they did not burn me or my sandals. Also, though they seemed to be floating, they held my weight effortlessly and felt like firm ground beneath me. I could see down between the flames to the floor bellow as well. Even so, I had no fear as I continued upward.

At the top of the stairs, I found myself in the center of another room. In front of me was a throne with a woman seated upon it. I could not see her face, only that she seemed to be made up of pure white light. I knew her to be my goddess, though she said nothing at first, and I felt only peace in her presence.

She beckoned for me to come forward, which I did immediately. Standing before her felt very familiar to me, as if I'd been there before. She leaned toward me and whispered "You are always a messenger of light." After hearing these words, I found myself once again in the lower room, surrounded by tiny flickering flames.

Leaving this temple brought some sadness to me. I felt such peace there, that I did not wish to return just yet to this plane. After the meditation, some of us shared a bit of our experiences with each other. Telling others what I saw and felt, brought a tear to my eye as the raw beauty of what I'd been shown washed over me. My hope is that I brought back some of that light with me to share with those I meet. I hope that I brighten this world even just a little for having been a part of it.


Crystal Blanton said...

Sounds like a great experience. I am glad you had such a great time and am able to bring it back with you to this plane.

Unknown said...

So awesome - & u do shine my dear - ur hope is also mine

Amethist Flame said...

Thank you both for your kind comments. This experience has inspired me to delve more deeply into guided meditations. I have, in the past, had a difficult time meditating but I think I am getting more relaxed with it.
