Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I used to speak of coincidences as if these things happened without a guiding hand. Now I refer most often to what I like to call synchronicity. What I'm talking about are all those little moments that seem like happenstance. Like finding someplace you were looking for when you don't really know how to get there, but somehow in your wanderings, you run across the very place... Or when you meet someone who turns out to become one of your dearest friends in a place neither of you have ever been before... Or when you find the very thing you're looking for when you've stopped looking all together.

It seems these days that this happens quite regularly in my life, more than it used to. It could be that it only seems that way though, because I recognize it better. I never truly recognized the guidance of the divine in my life before 3 years ago... Yet now to deny it now seems quite ludicrous. Looking back, I see that it's all these little moments that seemed like chance, that have led me to where I am.

All of the most important moments in my life are examples of synchronicity. From finding the one person who could truly understand me (who is also now my husband) in the last place in this country I'd ever want to live... to delving into a very rewarding spiritual journey because of an e-mail I wasn't supposed to get (or at least that wasn't the intention of the sender)... or meeting our dearest friends in a place we nor they had ever been before. And most recently, finding an exciting new witch store when we didn't know how to get there or even remember it's name.

While at the time, these things seemed like chance, looking back I see how much the divine had to work to get me to those moments and I am grateful all the more for that divine guidance. I will not refer to this as coincidence again, because it is really more accurate to call it synchronicity.


Angelique Mroczka said...

How about running into your very best friends at a store when neither of you mentioned to the other that you were going there? LOL

I have had a TON of synchronicity events happen in the last few months. It was been odd, but interesting.

Amethist Flame said...

Yeah, it has been odd, but there's always a reason.

JJ said...

I used to think that synchronicity was 'the Universe sending us a message.' I don't any more. Now I think of it as the universal consciousness weaving patterns, and a synchronous event is simply witnessing two lines crossing. It saves wondering what the 'message' is, and simply demonstrates connectedness instead.
