Monday, April 12, 2010
Being an empath can be a double edged sword at times. On one hand it can be a great tool of insight into what others are going through, but sometimes, their emotions can be overpowering, and it can be difficult to tell their emotions apart from my own.

All of my life, I've had times where I cried for hours for reasons unknown to me. Now that I've learned a bit more about what being an empath is, I'm more able to identify the causes of these emotional breakdowns. When global tragedies occur, although it still effects me, I'm more in control of myself and I can shield my self some what and lessen the effect.

Over all though, I view it as a gift. I don't want to shield myself too much because I value this connection I have to what others are dealing with. It gives me insight and allows me to be more supportive of those I care about and I wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.

