Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Over the last year, I have spent far too much of my time and energy trying to make ends meet so to speak. While finances are a major worry for pretty much everyone these days, it was more of a singular focus for me, and it caused a major imbalance in my life and my energy.

Last week, my husband and I went on a much needed vacation. We took the time together, to not only re-balance, but also to reconnect with each other and with nature.

We camped at a really lovely campground next to a lake in the Texas Hill Country. Although our campsite was not in the woods, there were woods nearby, and plenty of wildlife to be seen and heard. The deer in the area are very used to people and are often fed by campers, so there were many of them right in among the campsites, which made it feel even more peaceful. We arrived on Monday and left early Friday so there weren't that many people around either.

Our first night, we were visited by a family of skunks. Fortunately, they did not spray us or anything in our campsite. However, one of them must have sprayed something nearby, because we smelled them during the night and the aroma lingered in our truck the next day. Luckily, there was a store not too far away and we bought some Febreeze which fixed that problem.

There were Purple Martins nesting in some of the pavilions which helped keep the mosquito population under control. There were rabbits nibbling on the grass at night, and an Osprey fishing at the lake as well. A really adorable family of ducks greeted us often in our camp looking for handouts. My husband would hear them nearby and mimic their call and they'd come waddling right on up to us.

My husband enjoyed some fishing in the early mornings, and we saw some beautiful sunsets as well. The breeze kept the tent comfortable at night and during the day, it was not too hot, if we could manage to stay in the shade. The water was clear and very refreshing, especially after setting up camp on the first day. The stars were an amazing sight and the moon grew brighter and brighter every night.

We returned home with a renewed vigor, and a stronger relationship. I am hesitant now though to re-enter the monotony of day to day life... worrying about finances and keeping up with everyone else's expectations... juggling responsibilities and still trying to find some time for our spirituality and our relationship... For now though, we are stronger and more in tune with the natural world, our spirits rekindled and our priorities realigned. We'll definitely be going back though, and hopefully more often. I truly did not realize how frayed I was until I got away from it and had time to reflect and renew.


Unknown said...

David & I used to do a lot of camping - up to the woods of Sedona - once in the snow, where we saw birds splashing in the icy puddles; to the Cherokawas, where Dave built a kitchen in the trees; Kitt Peak to see the stars on our bike; up to Grand Canyon and Canyon de Chelly - luvly campgrounds, such luvly memories. Once at Canyon de Chelly, we used the pet watch while we went into the canyon & 4-wheeled to see the petroglyphs and ancient ruins built into the mountains & when we got back, we saw our dog, Jessie, bounding across the fields as free as a bird - she had gotten out of the pet pen! That's where the campers next to us taught us to grill corn in the husks - delicious! We did many places either on the bike or in the camper, and with Michael, we continued the tradition - so many beautiful places, even as short as Mt.Lemmon & Sabino. So, enjoy these days & each is a blessing - because, like u guys, we also worked our butts off in between; always a culture-shock getting back into it. For some reason, I've always been intimidated by the camera (my heritage? IDK), so we don't have the catalogues like someone w/ur talent; but, always the memories.

Even w/our trip to Texas recently, I had left the worries behind (as much as possible) and taken a deep breath, allowing myself to enjoy the little blessings of exchanging and being. With things so fucked the last 5 years & still somewhat trying, I am still OCDing and really really trying to relax more and let the universe rule in its own way & guide my spirit, since I tend to be my own worse fuck-up lol. Thx for reminding me of the truly glorious nature times we have spent, either mountains, forests or beaches, and of course, my museum trips, to wit I can now add HMFA, even w/Levi & Cody's drama!!!, sumtimes u just run out of time.

In nature, or here in my own garden & house, w/my lovely husband, son and these silly dogs, I remind myself each day that I am loved and do love - I read today, we are human beings, not human doings - spoke to me.

Sitting here looking at ur luvly sunset & that lake, how peaceful - that's all we really want isn't it? peace, love, kindness - all that really matters - so many songs & poems & books & legends passed down for eons & it all boils down to the same thing again and again - we all share the same universe, however, pissed or worried we may get day-to-day, it's the bigger picture we always must in some way come back to & share - thx for sharing, niece - I love u auntie m

Amethist Flame said...

You are right... peace, love and kindness are what matter most in this world. No matter how far we fall, a little peace, love and kindness can help us to soar yet again to new heights.
